4 months ago.locker is now open for General Availability at a discount! Register .locker now at EnCirca and receive a limited-time introductory price…
4 months agoPre-Register now and be one of the first in line for the .locker Land Rush, AND receive a limited-time introductory price of only $15 for…
4 months agoEnCirca is thrilled to announce the opening of pre-orders for the .locker domain extension, set to launch to the public October 23. This…
4 months agoGoogle Cybersecurity Promotion In honor of Cyber Security Awareness month, buy any standard-priced HSTS-preloaded top-level domain at 5…
6 months ago.DEAL and .NOW are the exciting new TLDs from Amazon Registry launching today. During Sunrise, Trademark owners have a chance to register…
7 months agoDomain Name Price Increases Several Domain Name Registries have alerted EnCirca that they are increasing their pricing for their top level…
7 months ago.EUS is celebrating their 10-year anniversary with a $10 sale. Register .EUS at EnCirca for only $10 for the first year. Multi-year…
7 months agoWhy .LOCKER? The .LOCKER solution offers end users a seamless connection between Web2 domain names and corresponding Web3 digital identities…
7 months agoRegister .MY at over 45% off! First year registrations at EnCirca are only $19.99 for the first year for regular registration. Multi-year…
8 months agoDomain Owners Should File Claims Now EnCirca has been chosen by ICANN to handle the bulk transfers for the terminated DomRaider registrar…
9 months agoEligibility for .POST extends to both registered and unregistered trademarks from any corner of the world, ensuring comprehensive brand…
a year ago.POST offers global companies an exclusive opportunity to protect their trademarks. BOSTON, March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- .POST, the…
a year agoSeveral Domain Name Registries Have Updated Their Pricing Several Domain Name Registries have alerted EnCirca that they are increasing their…
a year agoChoosing the right domain name is critical for a company’s overall success. The most successful domain name strategies prioritize…
a year agoAmazon’s .BOT Top Level Domain, designed for Artificial Intelligence, has more than doubled its zone file size after less than one week in…
a year agoAt 16:00 UTC this Monday, October 30th, .BOT will enter General Availability. After several years of experimentation, Amazon is ramping up…
a year agoNew Pricing Effective October 4th The Domain Name Registry, Digital Identity, has announced that they are increasing their pricing for all…
2 years agoSummary: Today, Feb 23 is the last chance to register .BOT in Limited Registration Period Eligibility during LRP requires a published…
2 years agoTom Barrett from EnCirca will be making remarks on the virtual Trademark and NFT Roundtable being held today (January 24, 2023) by the US…
3 years agoPreliminary Cause and Analysis Report This morning, EnCirca's DNS Service went down for about 89 minutes. Service was restored at 7:21am EST…
3 years agoSPA Logo If you are in the spa and wellness industry, a .spa name is as clear as you can get in explaining and promoting your business! It…
3 years agoToday is the last day of NamesCon Online. Join EnCirca's CEO, Thomas Barrett, for today's Blockchain Panel with some of the leading…
3 years agoToday is the second day of NamesCon Online. Join EnCirca's CEO, Thomas Barrett, for today's discussion on Handshake domains. War Stories…
3 years agoNamesCon Online is now underway. With over 1,500 domain professionals from over 60 countries, NamesCon Online is the dominant domain name…
3 years agoDomain Owners Should File Claims Now EnCirca has been chosen to handle the bulk transfers for Funpeas, MMX and Pheenix domain registrars…
4 years agoBlockchain's First Truly Decentralized Top-Level-Domain BOSTON, July 26, 2021 -- EnCirca announced today that they are accepting…
4 years agoDomain Owners Should File Claims Now (Boston, MA) EnCirca announced today that it has been tapped by ICANN to handle the bulk transfers for…
4 years agoSpecial Pricing: Just $8 per year Register at https://www.encirca.com/bond/ today! Offer for 1st year, new registrations only. Multiple…
4 years agoHandshake takes decentralized networks and protocols to another level. With the new Handshake domains that offer outright ownership of a…
4 years agoThe right domain name amplifies your brand and is the most important thing you can do for your website. The URL establishes your credibility…
4 years agoPhishing remains one of the most prevalent cyber attacks directed at both companies and individuals today, but many organizations do not…
4 years agoChoosing a domain is one of the most important business decisions you can make as an entrepreneur. This is not something that you can skimp…
4 years agoDomain spoofing is an increasingly popular way for hackers to steal money or sensitive data. Look-alike domain registrations aim to divert…
4 years agoWhen someone opens an account with a financial institution, they’re essentially putting their future and financial safety in their hands…
4 years agoThe world of top-level domains is changing, and Handshake is shaping this world into a decentralized territory. If you’ve been seeking more…
4 years agoWith cybercrime and data breaches on the rise, a top-level .BANK domain can give your financial institution an edge in online security…
4 years agoCybercrime is big business. During 2018, the US economy alone lost over 2.7 billion U.S. dollars due to phishing and network intrusions. If…
4 years agoNew Handshake domains supported by EnCirca include: .CONSULTANCY .DEFI .ECONOMY .EXPLORENOW .HACKTOBERFEST .HIRE .HOLDING .INFLUENCER…
4 years ago.CONTACT - one of the most anticipated TLDs this year - is now available at EnCirca! Go to www.encirca.com/contact for more information on…
4 years agoSuccess comes with its own pitfalls. Or, to put it another way, once a company secures a significant share of a particular market, there can…
4 years ago**Register your .gay domain name at EnCirca today! **Just $37.50 for regular registrations. Some names are premium or reserved. For LGBTQ…
4 years agoEvery business knows they need a web presence for the convenience of their customers. If you are a financial institution, this means having…
4 years agoThe American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, via its CPA.com affiliate, has launched the .CPA top-level-domain extension for…
4 years agoBoost Your Security With A Bank TLD There are many factors to consider when switching to a new top level domain. This includes financial…
4 years agoTransport Layer Security (TLS) is a security protocol used to prevent hackers from being able to steal the data you enter into websites. In…
5 years agoHandshake is an experimental peer-to-peer root naming system that allows anyone to create their own top-level domain extension, bypassing…
5 years agoThe global cooperative movement has expanded exponentially over the past three decades. Over 1 billion people worldwide are members of…
5 years agoWhen conducting cybersecurity due diligence, one of the most important steps is to find a secure domain name registrar. Cyber hijacking is…
5 years agoEnCirca’s Tom Barrett will be moderating the Blockchain Panel at NamesCon in Austin, Texas on January 30 at 10am. The themes of the session…
5 years agoThe .COOP Registry just released 50+ premium domain names! Be the first to get these never-before released, valuable generic names. A sample…
5 years agofTLD, the Insurance Registry, is currently updating their backend system for the .Insurance TLD. This update will start today at 1:30 PM EST…
5 years agoAmazon's Discovery Platform for Artificial Intelligence Applications Published: November 20, 2019 Author: Samuel Bocetta EnCirca-dotbot…
5 years agoAlthough blockchain wallets are the next big thing in storing assets, existing wallet names are cumbersome to share and communicate…
6 years agoPre-registration for 3 - 6 character .ETH domain names has been extended, and EnCirca is accepting applications until Friday. Go to www…
6 years ago.ETH Pre-Registration Timeline has changed! Pre-registration for 3 - 6 character .ETH domain names has been extended, and EnCirca is…
6 years agoWhat: Understanding Blockchain Domain Names When: July 24, 2019 @ 2 PM EST & July 31, 2019 @ 2PM EST Sign up for July 24 Sign up for July 3…
6 years agoAnother community bank has rebranded to a .BANK domain name. The .BANK domain extension is one of 1200 new top-level-domain extensions…
6 years agoAmazon has announced a discovery tool for Alexa skills using HOME.BOT. The .BOT domain extension is part of Amazon’s strategy for the…
6 years ago.BABY has just relaunched! They're celebrating by releasing over 50,000 domains today. These domains were previously reserved or…
6 years ago.INC is offering new registrants a long list of great incentives once they register their domains! All .INC domains will include more than…
6 years agoLas Vegas- January 29, 2019 - EnCirca announced a .BOT Accelerator in conjunction with the 2019 NamesCon event in Las Vegas, USA. The .BOT…
6 years agoWell, some developers have been using .dev as a testing platform for years now on local machines. Historically, .dev has been the realm of…
6 years agoSpecial Pricing: Just $9.99 per year Register at https://www.encirca.com/homes/ today! Offer for 1st year, new registrations only…
6 years agoHappy New Year from EnCirca. Wishing you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the coming year. It has been a pleasure helping…