3 months ago.locker is now open for General Availability at a discount! Register .locker now at EnCirca and receive a limited-time introductory price…
3 months agoPre-Register now and be one of the first in line for the .locker Land Rush, AND receive a limited-time introductory price of only $15 for…
3 months agoEnCirca is thrilled to announce the opening of pre-orders for the .locker domain extension, set to launch to the public October 23. This…
4 months agoGoogle Cybersecurity Promotion In honor of Cyber Security Awareness month, buy any standard-priced HSTS-preloaded top-level domain at 5…
5 months ago.DEAL and .NOW are the exciting new TLDs from Amazon Registry launching today. During Sunrise, Trademark owners have a chance to register…
6 months agoDomain Name Price Increases Several Domain Name Registries have alerted EnCirca that they are increasing their pricing for their top level…
6 months ago.EUS is celebrating their 10-year anniversary with a $10 sale. Register .EUS at EnCirca for only $10 for the first year. Multi-year…
6 months agoWhy .LOCKER? The .LOCKER solution offers end users a seamless connection between Web2 domain names and corresponding Web3 digital identities…
6 months agoRegister .MY at over 45% off! First year registrations at EnCirca are only $19.99 for the first year for regular registration. Multi-year…
7 months agoDomain Owners Should File Claims Now EnCirca has been chosen by ICANN to handle the bulk transfers for the terminated DomRaider registrar…
9 months agoEligibility for .POST extends to both registered and unregistered trademarks from any corner of the world, ensuring comprehensive brand…
10 months ago.POST offers global companies an exclusive opportunity to protect their trademarks. BOSTON, March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- .POST, the…
a year agoSeveral Domain Name Registries Have Updated Their Pricing Several Domain Name Registries have alerted EnCirca that they are increasing their…
a year agoChoosing the right domain name is critical for a company’s overall success. The most successful domain name strategies prioritize…
a year agoAmazon’s .BOT Top Level Domain, designed for Artificial Intelligence, has more than doubled its zone file size after less than one week in…
a year agoAt 16:00 UTC this Monday, October 30th, .BOT will enter General Availability. After several years of experimentation, Amazon is ramping up…
a year agoNew Pricing Effective October 4th The Domain Name Registry, Digital Identity, has announced that they are increasing their pricing for all…
2 years agoSummary: Today, Feb 23 is the last chance to register .BOT in Limited Registration Period Eligibility during LRP requires a published…
2 years agoTom Barrett from EnCirca will be making remarks on the virtual Trademark and NFT Roundtable being held today (January 24, 2023) by the US…
3 years agoPreliminary Cause and Analysis Report This morning, EnCirca's DNS Service went down for about 89 minutes. Service was restored at 7:21am EST…
3 years agoSPA Logo If you are in the spa and wellness industry, a .spa name is as clear as you can get in explaining and promoting your business! It…
3 years agoToday is the last day of NamesCon Online. Join EnCirca's CEO, Thomas Barrett, for today's Blockchain Panel with some of the leading…
3 years agoToday is the second day of NamesCon Online. Join EnCirca's CEO, Thomas Barrett, for today's discussion on Handshake domains. War Stories…
3 years agoNamesCon Online is now underway. With over 1,500 domain professionals from over 60 countries, NamesCon Online is the dominant domain name…
3 years agoDomain Owners Should File Claims Now EnCirca has been chosen to handle the bulk transfers for Funpeas, MMX and Pheenix domain registrars…
3 years agoBlockchain's First Truly Decentralized Top-Level-Domain BOSTON, July 26, 2021 -- EnCirca announced today that they are accepting…
4 years agoDomain Owners Should File Claims Now (Boston, MA) EnCirca announced today that it has been tapped by ICANN to handle the bulk transfers for…
4 years agoSpecial Pricing: Just $8 per year Register at https://www.encirca.com/bond/ today! Offer for 1st year, new registrations only. Multiple…
4 years agoHandshake takes decentralized networks and protocols to another level. With the new Handshake domains that offer outright ownership of a…
4 years agoThe right domain name amplifies your brand and is the most important thing you can do for your website. The URL establishes your credibility…
4 years agoPhishing remains one of the most prevalent cyber attacks directed at both companies and individuals today, but many organizations do not…
4 years agoChoosing a domain is one of the most important business decisions you can make as an entrepreneur. This is not something that you can skimp…
4 years agoDomain spoofing is an increasingly popular way for hackers to steal money or sensitive data. Look-alike domain registrations aim to divert…
4 years agoWhen someone opens an account with a financial institution, they’re essentially putting their future and financial safety in their hands…
4 years agoThe world of top-level domains is changing, and Handshake is shaping this world into a decentralized territory. If you’ve been seeking more…
4 years agoWith cybercrime and data breaches on the rise, a top-level .BANK domain can give your financial institution an edge in online security…
4 years agoCybercrime is big business. During 2018, the US economy alone lost over 2.7 billion U.S. dollars due to phishing and network intrusions. If…
4 years agoNew Handshake domains supported by EnCirca include: .CONSULTANCY .DEFI .ECONOMY .EXPLORENOW .HACKTOBERFEST .HIRE .HOLDING .INFLUENCER…
4 years ago.CONTACT - one of the most anticipated TLDs this year - is now available at EnCirca! Go to www.encirca.com/contact for more information on…
4 years agoSuccess comes with its own pitfalls. Or, to put it another way, once a company secures a significant share of a particular market, there can…
4 years ago**Register your .gay domain name at EnCirca today! **Just $37.50 for regular registrations. Some names are premium or reserved. For LGBTQ…
4 years agoEvery business knows they need a web presence for the convenience of their customers. If you are a financial institution, this means having…
4 years agoThe American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, via its CPA.com affiliate, has launched the .CPA top-level-domain extension for…
4 years agoBoost Your Security With A Bank TLD There are many factors to consider when switching to a new top level domain. This includes financial…
4 years agoTransport Layer Security (TLS) is a security protocol used to prevent hackers from being able to steal the data you enter into websites. In…
4 years agoHandshake is an experimental peer-to-peer root naming system that allows anyone to create their own top-level domain extension, bypassing…
4 years agoThe global cooperative movement has expanded exponentially over the past three decades. Over 1 billion people worldwide are members of…
5 years agoWhen conducting cybersecurity due diligence, one of the most important steps is to find a secure domain name registrar. Cyber hijacking is…
5 years agoEnCirca’s Tom Barrett will be moderating the Blockchain Panel at NamesCon in Austin, Texas on January 30 at 10am. The themes of the session…
5 years agoThe .COOP Registry just released 50+ premium domain names! Be the first to get these never-before released, valuable generic names. A sample…
5 years agofTLD, the Insurance Registry, is currently updating their backend system for the .Insurance TLD. This update will start today at 1:30 PM EST…
5 years agoAmazon's Discovery Platform for Artificial Intelligence Applications Published: November 20, 2019 Author: Samuel Bocetta EnCirca-dotbot…
5 years agoAlthough blockchain wallets are the next big thing in storing assets, existing wallet names are cumbersome to share and communicate…
5 years agoPre-registration for 3 - 6 character .ETH domain names has been extended, and EnCirca is accepting applications until Friday. Go to www…
5 years ago.ETH Pre-Registration Timeline has changed! Pre-registration for 3 - 6 character .ETH domain names has been extended, and EnCirca is…
5 years agoWhat: Understanding Blockchain Domain Names When: July 24, 2019 @ 2 PM EST & July 31, 2019 @ 2PM EST Sign up for July 24 Sign up for July 3…
6 years agoAnother community bank has rebranded to a .BANK domain name. The .BANK domain extension is one of 1200 new top-level-domain extensions…
6 years agoAmazon has announced a discovery tool for Alexa skills using HOME.BOT. The .BOT domain extension is part of Amazon’s strategy for the…
6 years ago.BABY has just relaunched! They're celebrating by releasing over 50,000 domains today. These domains were previously reserved or…
6 years ago.INC is offering new registrants a long list of great incentives once they register their domains! All .INC domains will include more than…
6 years agoLas Vegas- January 29, 2019 - EnCirca announced a .BOT Accelerator in conjunction with the 2019 NamesCon event in Las Vegas, USA. The .BOT…
6 years agoWell, some developers have been using .dev as a testing platform for years now on local machines. Historically, .dev has been the realm of…
6 years agoSpecial Pricing: Just $9.99 per year Register at https://www.encirca.com/homes/ today! Offer for 1st year, new registrations only…
6 years agoHappy New Year from EnCirca. Wishing you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the coming year. It has been a pleasure helping…