Handshake Naming Service

Handshake Naming Service

Blockchain brand protection services from EnCirca include registration, custody, and integration services for handshake domains. This includes both top-level domains (TLD) and second-level domains (SLD). None of these decentralized domains have the approval or regulatory oversight of ICANN and operate on alternative roots.

Considerations a brand owner should consider are: the brand’s blockchain/NFT/Metaverse strategies and whether a particular alternative root has taken steps to protect trademark rights or is prone to cybersquatting behavior.

Handshake Top-Level Domains

EnCirca maintains blockchain nodes and multi-sig hot and cold wallets to streamline acquisition, custody services and crypto-currency payments.

Handshake is the leading blockchain for top-level domains. The process to acquire a NFT top-level domain, such as on Handshake is based on the availability of the desired string.

  • If the string is available, then the process is to initiate a Vickrey-style auction
  • If string is reserved for rights owners, then the process is to initiate a claims process for the string. Reserved strings are either existing ICANN TLDs or the top 100,000 websites.
  • If the desired string is already registered, then the recommended option is to make an offer.

Handshake Top Level Domain Interest Form


Handshake Second-Level Domains

EnCirca maintains blockchain nodes and multi-sig hot/cold wallets to streamline acquisition, custody services and crypto-currency payments for second-level domains as well.

EnCirca supports 1,400 handshake TLDs for second level registrations. There are no gas or custody fees.

Register Second Level Domains

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