Registration of the domain name(s) will require self-certification that the organization meets the eligibility requirements. See policy links to the right.
PIR conducts random audits of .ong domains and reserves the right to cancel, transfer or modify a domain name in accordance with their policies.
For Trust
For the very first time, our new domain extensions can help identify and distinguish your Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) as a validated organization within the crowded digital world. .ONG will be exclusively available to the NGO community, requiring validation for local, national and global NGOs like yours who are looking to advance their missions.
For Validation
.ONG is only available to genuine NGOs. This is the validation that the NGO community has asked for, an exclusive domain that identifies them as a unique set of organizations. NGOs participating as members in the OnGood community must certify that they adhere to Public Interest Registry’s Registrant Eligibility Requirements. For more information, visit the full list of eligibility requirements.
For Visibility
Beyond the validation, as a .ONG domain holder, you are automatically entered into OnGood our exclusive online NGO directory, which includes a customizable online profile for your organization. Your profile will help you find and share information with other NGOs across the globe, promote your organization to potential donors and partners, interact with like-minded organizations, and raise funds online to support your cause. The OnGood directory will revolutionize the way that NGOs around the world connect.
.ONG provides immediate recognition for validated organizations that pursue a cause and make a positive impact on the world. With these domain names comes credibility, and utilizing them to distinguish yourself is a great way for you to ultimately strengthen the brand of your NGO.
We support your domain needs from start to finish.
There are many internet browsers that support Handshake domains such as Opera and various Chrome plugins.
Please visit our Handshake helpdesk article for more options on how to view your Handshake domains
NextDNS is one of the most popular methods for accessing Handshake domain names. Install NextDNS. You can click “try it now” on to connect your device and resolve Handshake domains. Scroll to the Setup Guide at NextDNS to select the option for your device, confirm with the green button at the top of the page, and then go to the “settings” tab to “resolve Handshake domains.”
Install the Resolvr add-on to view Handshake names directly in the search bar of your Firefox browser.
Try searching your site with the gateway, which allows you to access Handshake names without downloading software or modifying your DNS settings. You may also conduct searches directly by prefixing Handshake domains with “,” such as “”
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